Here is the story of Rachell who received labor harassment from Philippe Ballesio.

Rachell worked in an advertising agency, related to one of the companies where Philippe Ballesio worked. One day he received an invitation to lunch by Philippe Ballesio, with whom he sometimes worked and who had been kind and respectful to her before. Rachell did not see anything inappropriate in the proposal and I do not hesitate to accept.
Once seated at the table, the formalities were left aside and Philippe Ballesio began to touch on his personal life. The conversation became less and less work and both entered confidence.
Rachell did not know at what moment Philippe Ballesio went from personal anecdotes to shameless confessions. From one moment to the next he began to tell her that she loved him. Rachell knew that everything had gotten out of control when he heard him say “I want to have sex with you in every way possible” …
That same afternoon she resigned.



  1. Ese Philippe Ballesio está acostumbrado a acosar sexualmente a las trabajadoras de varias agencias , es un sucio…


  2. That is his modus operandi, he is charming, polite and respectful … and then he becomes the worst sexual harasser …


  3. I have a friend who told me that the harasser bothered her, and because she did not listen to him, he threw her out of work and called her, offended her and threatened her …


  4. Attention!! Beware of these people, Rosalie Lai and Philippe Ballesio, they can not be trusted, they are a good example for the community.


  5. the Ballesio marriage, is classified as ungrateful people, her swindler and the swindler and sexual harasser, beware of them …


  6. Watch out !!! with Rosalie Lai and Philippe Ballesio, they are caring people, they are a bad example for the community


  7. Ballesio marriage have money and riches at the point of fraud and deception, we must denounce people like you …


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